Lana Del Rey's latest video for her single National Anthem is, according to A$AP Rocky, "some cool trippy shit, some real 2015 shit".
Proceeding the famous moment in which Lana imitates Marilyn Monroe singing for the president's birthday, the instagram-style video begins in unison with the song and both Lana and A$AP Rocky depict the perfect, presidential American lifestyle of JFK and his wife. This unblemished portrayal heightens the doomed fate at the end of the video as a gunshot sounds and the underlying message of the song comes to it's climax. The lingering shot of a tattoo reading "trust no-one" is quite significant to the story of JFK, considering how Marilyn was his lover and this video comes from the perspective of his wife. The audible voice of Lana is then carried out with an instrumental that is so emotionally burdened and powerful. It's just a perfect seven minute forty piece of cinema that represents the song beautifully.
For me, I find that this video captures the meaning of the lyrics perfectly, which I never quite understood as clearly without the visuals. It also brings into light such a monumental moment in history (JFK's assassination) that maybe the 'newer generation' hadn't known about prior to this.
p.s. Am I the only one who finds A$AP Rocky quite attractive with this powerful and polished demeanour?