Friday, 4 October 2013

FKA Twigs

I am completely captivated with with the artistry of FKA twigs right now, her visuals just as much as her audio. It appears the two are a vital partnership in the London-based artist's work; both are unique, completely mesmerising and unparalleled by any artist in the vast industry that is the music business. FKA twigs acts as some sort of hypnotist to her audience, with the the audiovisual pulling the viewer into the world it has created and not ceasing to let go until the last millisecond of the song.

Papi Pacify stirs together the heavenly voice of twigs with the strumming of unconventional notes. The song really pulls you in when an intriguing melange of brassy tones and roiling beats explode in the chorus.

Water Me again juxtaposes the tenderness of the vocals with an oppressive undertone that just reels you in to see what unexpected path the music will find next. Although there still remains that otherworldly thread that is sewn through all of her work.

EP2, her debut release with Young Turks (home to Jamie xx, SBTRKT and Chairlift) and her second EP, features four songs (How's That, Papi Pacify, Water Me, Ultraviolet) as well as collaborating with producer Arca. Again, I'm completely mesmerized.

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thankyou for taking the time to comment!
oh gosh, i get way too excited.