Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Comptine D'un Autre Eté

I have no idea how i found this beautiful song (most likely due to my endless plays of youtube videos) but it is just a delight to listen to. Although he describes himself as not being a composer, the music style of Yann Tiersen in this lovely piano piece is beautiful; comptine d'un autre été has a delicate melody which evokes the connotation of dreams yet there is an underlying sense of sadness that accompanies every note. I am currently learning this piece at the moment as well as a few other compositions from the Amelie soundtrack, of which Yann wrote entirely. Sur Le Fil is also another lovely piano piece.
        Comptine D'un Autre Eté
Yann Thiersen

"la musique de Yann, je l'ai decouverte a un concert.
La, il est  arrive discret mais, tout de suite, son univers si suprenant de force, de rire, de poesie, de tourment aussi, m'a bouleversee...
Sa musique m'a fait l'effet d'un journal si intime qu'elle nous evoque des moments de vie, des images, de odeurs...
Elle m'a surtout touchee profondement"
Natacha Regnier



  1. aw wow this is really nice (':

  2. I love this song, and the movie is fantastic too. Love your blog, I'm following now :) Feel free to check out mine!

    Laura x
    Petit Chatons

  3. Music from Amelie Poulain is amazing!! =D I Adore the music and the film :)


     You can enter our Romwe giveaway here

  4. 100% following you! Audrey Tautou is my favourite person in the whole world :) x

  5. i adore yann tiersen, his music is so magical
    love livvy xoxo

  6. I absolutely love this song!It is so peaceful:)
    Thanks for visiting!



thankyou for taking the time to comment!
oh gosh, i get way too excited.