Damn good album · Crazy cat lady at it again, they just love me
When I fell in love with a Maori · I'm a walking library · My friends are so friendly
PP is official business · Bought some new albums to get stuck into
I've been such a rubbish blogger this month, two posts just isn't good enough. But I do have a few ideas so July should be better.
As you can see I bought some new albums which I love. Ever since I heard All I Want by Kodaline I've been a fan and the album In A Perfect World doesn't disappoint. I also became very much obsessed with Lauryn Hill and The Fugees this month. Very.
Aside from musical interests, I've been reading a lot more to find the perfect novel for my English Literature coursework and umm-ing and ahh-ing about universities. It's hard to make decisions when you have no focused path for which you want your life to go. Gah. If there is a course that allows me to travel to a different country each month then please, sign me up.