Having declined an invite to a party last night, albeit mainly because i wanted to watch the X Factor Halloween special, i took it upon myself
to organise a spooked up film fest to have with my two friends, Ellie and Simran. I thought it would be fun to wear our pyjamas and then do crazy hair and make-up to get into the Halloween spirit. My mum even bought me a little 'Trick or Treat' pyjama top seen as i couldn't get this amazingly cool skeleton onesie from Topshop.
Oh and there will be plenty of food; i'm concocting my homemade treat
(if you will) of popcorn in melted chocolate...possibly with the added surprise of jelly beans. I love how much we celebrate food at festive occasions, particularly as most of it is created with cakes and biscuits. These cutesy pumpkins and bat biscuits are so adorable.
So for school tomorrow i shall paint my nails with a gooey effect or possibly attempt a cobweb and then tease my hair a little (as if it isn't big enough already) just for funsies. yay! If i was on twitter right now i would totally be hashtagging the word excited.
Any suggestions for films to watch? Although i'm ninety-nine percent sure we won't be watching scary films, there's plenty of room for a Twilight-a-thon or a Harry Potter-a-thon...although realistically we'll probably end up watching White Chicks or something not even remotely linked to Halloween.
I'd love to know what you're doing or dressing up as!
images via polyvore